Monday, July 18, 2011

bigfoot and chocolate rivers

“Modern technology / Owes ecology / An apology.” (Alan M. Eddison)

Do you know what your carbon footprint looked like this past year? That’s OK. Neither do I. How about your last paycheck? What did that look like? We tend to recall and pay attention to the things that have an immediate impact on us. One might be fooled into thinking that this is how we survive but in truth this is really a method of self-destruction, and it affects everyone differently. It’s hard to take the future into account when it’s so abstract, but I believe that everyone has at least enough imagination to paint a picture of the possible outcomes that smoking, over budgeting, careless remarks, outbursts of anger, or bullying may bring.
One of the best tools for life that we can give kids is to give them an understanding of the link between actions and the consequences that follow. They can’t comprehend what teasing and suicide have got to do with each other. Or how having excess candy can cause stomach pains- how could something so good lead to so much agony? I believe the world and its pleasures are here for us to take advantage of and at the same time the ‘candy’ is also there to test the boundaries we have hopefully set for ourselves.
There is no limit when it comes to comments.


  1. I agree that we must recognize the consequences of our actions but we must have a fair and accurate measuring stick with which to judge those consequences.

    When it comes to the issue of Carbon Footprint and the associated issues of global warming we need unbiased information to properly assess the effect our carbon footprint truly has. For too long we have been inundated with studies, reports, science and quasi science that is being foisted upon us by individuals with an agenda. How much global warming can be attributed to population growth? Methane emitted from cows, a significant source of methane production?

    Environmentalists believe that they always have the answers but at what cost, both financially and ecologically? Many programs to undo the damage done that have been initiated by so called experts have resulted in worse damage than originally inflicted by our carless use of earth’s resources.

    I guess it all must come down to balance.

  2. When it comes to anything environmentally related i would have to plead 'uneducated'. Either way you make a very valid point.
