"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." (Benjamin Franklin)
Often i ask myself what's the point of it all. In the end what it boils down to is that I'm dying. This is not a statement meant to induce pity, it's merely the truth. It's just a matter of perspective. You too, are in the throes of death. Really, as with all emotional conflicts within the human psyche, it's your mother's fault. For conceiving you that is. You were taken from sweet oblivion, (your own personal taxi service) and thrust into an environment which you will without doubt proceed to destroy in good or non-consciousness.
So why are people freaking out about the end of the world? Is it death that calls upon the fear or is it the question of what might be afterwards that causes them to build replicas of the Ark, stock up on cans of tomato soup, deodorant, and postage stamps.
How is it that with all the technology and wisdom we have, all the historians and researchers and advances in carbon fingerprinting, no one has figured out a way to develop a utopian society. Instead all our resources go towards starving children in third world countries. And your next door neighbor is sitting in jail for tax evasion. How often does the cost of the penalty (upkeep of the prison lawn, tax clerk's salary, central air for 106,000 IRS employees) exceed the price of the crime? I no longer wonder why the united states is in $14 trillion in debt. Is the rise of technology contributing to our feelings of fullfilment and happiness? Statistics beg to differ. Focus your intelligence on what matters- for tomorrow you may die.
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